What is a Subluxation?

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Are you looking to keep yourself healthy and functioning optimally? Welcome to Upper Cervical Chiropractic!
Quoted From: https://www.uppercervicalcare.com/looking-for-help

"The neck is a vital and complex region of your body. In order for health to be optimized, your brain needs to communicate effectively with your entire body. Major injury to the upper neck usually results in death or paralysis, but less severe injuries can result in serious negative long-term effects as well. Like a pebble in your shoe that creates more irritation the longer it is present, misalignments in your neck irritate your nerves and blood vessels over time and can create significant problems with your body"s ability to self-heal. misalignment combined with nerve irritation is referred to as an upper cervical subluxation. Upper cervical chiropractors reduce brain stem irritation and improve brain-to-body communication by returning proper structural balance to the upper neck. In short, we get your head on straight!"

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