What is MonaLisa Touch?

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Quoted From: https://www.evergreengyn.com/services/monalisa-touch

"The laser energy from MonaLisa Touch increases circulation in the vaginal area and encourages your body to produce more collagen. Collagen is a major protein in your tissues that provides elasticity and skin strength. More collagen means you have a greater capacity for tissue hydration and mucosal elasticity.During your treatment, you lie comfortably on an exam table with your feet up in stirrups. Dr. McNally inserts a sterile probe into your vagina. She then runs a probe along the outer walls, too. You may feel a slight warmth or tingling as the probe delivers gentle laser energy. The procedure is painless and quick, taking less than 10 minutes.You notice a difference after your first session, but optimal results come after a series of treatments. Dr. McNally recommends three treatments, spaced six weeks apart. After that, all you need is a yearly maintenance session.MonaLisa Touch is a game-changer when it comes to the vaginal discomfort that arises due to hormonal changes."

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