"You identify as spiritual. You know that you are energy, embodied. You are connected to the deeper stuff of life. You have no interest in blowing up your ego and you often feel a big "yuck" of dissonance when you witness others basing their self-identity (and sometimes self-worth) on their physical form and/or physical appearance.
I get that. But are you attending to your fitness and physical health, or are you spiritually bypassing it because you figure you are spirit-led and focusing attention on your fitness and physical health is just not that important? Or maybe you think that this focus will somehow make you ego-identified? Here, the invitation to exercise regularly and attend to your fitness has nothing to do with losing weight, being a certain size or shape, fitting into some societally-approved archetype or form. Here, we are bringing awareness to the health of the body, regardless of its appearance: Here we are bringing awareness to using the gift we are given to live in a body to further our spiritual experience."
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