"It is based on a belief that the electromagnetic energy surrounding the body, moves between the body"s poles (head and feet). We experience good health when the flow of energy is free of blockage and balanced. While, pain and diseases occur when our energy flow is blocked, or not flowing properly. Therapists aim to balance the energy field using nutritional advice, stretching exercises, self-awareness, and healing touch.
According to the Polarity Center, Polarity Therapy aims to deal with the patient as a whole, factoring in physical, emotional, and mental health, assisting the body in natural healing.
It is a true complementary science, recognizing that energy needs to move from a positive to a negative, via a neutral field. It"s a concept with Dr. Stone applied to the human body. This law of science is fundamental. Energy moves throughout the universe, and it manifests as energetic currents in our physical body. This is called the Wireless Anatomy of Man.
It addresses a variety of levels, including the nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, myofascial, and cardiovascular systems; subtle energy; and mental and emotional levels. It tackles a variety of diseases expressions, unlocking the patterns that led to the symptoms in the first plac"
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