"Q. What does Hypnosis Feel Like?
A. There is no specific feeling that tells a person they have gone into hypnosis, however some people feel a lightness while other people feel a heaviness. Either feeling is right. People who experience hypnosis report feeling relaxed, calm, and happy afterwards.
Hypnosis is commonly described as an altered state of awareness, which we all actually experience naturally at least twice per day - just as we are waking up, and again as we are about to fall asleep, and also if you find yourself daydreaming and relaxing at any time, you can be described as being in a hypnotic trance. When a person is in a relaxed state the conscious mind switches off and the subconscious mind becomes highly receptive to positive and beneficial suggestions. It takes us a long time to develop habits such as smoking or overeating, but through hypnosis our subconscious mind can easily be reprogrammed, so that we quickly form new habits, new feelings and a new self-image."
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