C O V I D-19 has affected everyone in a lot of different ways.,A If you are in the 65 and up age group it has probably limited your social interaction even more than others.,A These extra precautions the elderly have to take has affected their mental health and feelings of loneliness more than usual.Quoted From: https://socalsunrisemh.com/how-covid-19-affects-the-mental-health-of-seniors/
C O V I D-19 has affected everyone in a lot of different ways.,A If you are in the 65 and up age group it has probably limited your social interaction even more than others.,A These extra precautions the elderly have to take has affected their mental health and feelings of loneliness more than usual.
The C O V I D-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted the senior community.
Also known as Coronavirus, the virus has created medical risks and mortality rates that are exceptionally high in the older adult population.
"C O V I D-19 has affected everyone in a lot of different ways." If you are in the 65 and up age group it has probably limited your social interaction even more than others." These extra precautions the elderly have to take has affected their mental health and feelings of loneliness more than usual."
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